Flat Double Spiralweave Bracelet

Flat Double Spiralweave Bracelet
Recent beadwork

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tomorrow, Tomorrow.....waiting for a better day!

WHAT A DAY! And it's not over yet, so more unwanted stuff can happen I guess. It began when I got up and hit the john and there was no water; no cold, no hot, no water in the john. No water for an hour and a half - yuk. Then I had a problem with moving all the diningroom furniture so I could take up the rug and throw out the padding which was all kaflooie! That ended up in an encounter with my son who really balked at helping me get the job done. So...I did the job, took the padding out to the garbage bins and went about my errands for the day. Errand #1: Fill out a request form at the local hospital to pick up my records as they have closed. I was told that they would search for the records and call me IF they can find them and then I would have to pay a fee. So, I ripped up my request form and left. Errand #2: Headed out to the second hospital. They searched a bit and found the records they had of mine - no charge! Errand #3: On to the hotel where there was a gold and jewelry buyer who would look at my stuff and decide if it was worth anything. I sold two rings = $100. Old jewelry of my mom's was deemed 'costume' and not worth much, so I kept it, along with some silver items from the 20's they were only willing to pay $5 for. Since the pieces are almost antiques, I'll give them to my grandchildren. Errand #4: Used my 50% off coupon and got a hammer for wire work at ACMoore, but they didn't carry the anvils!!!

Back in the car and stopped in the local fancy candy shoppe and spent some of the jewelry sale money. Got home and some strange car was in my dedicated parking space - oh no!!! Found out it was the elevator repair guy - so no working elevator. Walked up to the 5th floor, met the elevator guy - he'll finish up the job, get the elevator working, hopefully, then move his car. I'm hiding in my bedroom with a coffee, waiting for a better day.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Finishing Up UFO Projects

I have several UFO's in my 'to do' box of beadwork and decided it's about time I tackled finishing up some of them. The delay is mostly caused by just not knowing what I want to add to the pieces to complete them, but in this instance, I just kept squirreling away green beads to do something with someday! Well, someday arrived and I finally sat down and thought about the project. I decided to do create a random net woven necklace using the greens and silver beads. I did little peyote tubes to gather all the ends together at the clasp. I must say I'm really happy to have finished this project.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

In the northeastern USA, we are ready for Spring! April begins next week, and I have begun this blog to record happenings, thoughts, beadwork done, etc. Never having 'blogged' before, we'll see how this goes and if I am up to the challenge.